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Name Place Product Quantity Date Status Visit Now
Carolyn Randy Lagos, Nigeria Carpets 1500 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/15 Active
Mohamed Elamin Ahmed United Arab Emirates Slippers 1000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/15 Active
Shaheer Sharafudeen Dubai Water bottle 10000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/15 Active
Md. Saiful Islam Bangladesh Kitchen Appliances 5000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/15 Active
Samuel Mwaniki Kenya Coasters 1000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/15 Active
Danarius Davis United States Men hoodies 30000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/15 Active
Monica Ibrahim United Arab Emirates Plush teddy bears 11000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/15 Active
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Anushil Canada Biodegradable bagasse plate 25000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/15 Active
Shahin Chattogram Bangladesh Cocopeat block 56 Metric Ton 2024/10/15 Active
Ashani Sri Lanka Ladies clothes 1000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/15 Active
Hashan Chathurannga Sri Lanka Husked coconut 1 Container 2024/10/15 Active
Lanktree Ontario, Canada Sports jerseys 5000 Piece/Pcs 2024/10/15 Active
Maurya Raam Doha, Qatar Tender coconut 1 Container 2024/10/15 Active
Shahzay Dubai, United Arab Emirates Coconut 1 Container 2024/10/15 Active
Place Quantity Product Date
Lagos, Nigeria 1500 Piece/Pcs Carpets 15 Oct 2024
United Arab Emirates 1000 Piece/Pcs Slippers 15 Oct 2024
Dubai 10000 Piece/Pcs Water bottle 15 Oct 2024
Bangladesh 5000 Piece/Pcs Kitchen Appliances 15 Oct 2024
Kenya 1000 Piece/Pcs Coasters 15 Oct 2024
United States 30000 Piece/Pcs Men hoodies 15 Oct 2024
United Arab Emirates 11000 Piece/Pcs Plush teddy bears 15 Oct 2024
Australia 1 Container Paper cups 15 Oct 2024
Saratov, Russia 1 Container Fresh garlic 15 Oct 2024
Canada 25000 Piece/Pcs Biodegradable bagasse plate 15 Oct 2024
Chattogram Bangladesh 56 Metric Ton Cocopeat block 15 Oct 2024
Sri Lanka 1000 Piece/Pcs Ladies clothes 15 Oct 2024

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